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Casey Calls on Congress to Stand Up for Miners
Manchin, Brown, Warner, Heitkamp and Casey Call on Congress to Stand Up for Miners
Casey, Colleagues Meet With Miners to Take Action As Black Lung Resurges
Sens. Manchin, Brown, Casey, Kaine Announce Miners Healthcare Deadline
Manchin, Casey, Scott, Cartwright Introduce Bills to Protect Miners
End of Year Bill is Profound Betrayal of PA Coal Miners
Manchin, Brown, Casey, Donnelly Take to the Senate Floor to Fight for Miners Protection Act
Manchin Delivers Remarks On Securing A Permanent Fix For Coal Miners' Healthcare and Pensions
Former Pres. Obama trolls Pres. Biden
Heitkamp Continues to Stand Up for American Workers
Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) Delivers Weekly Democratic Address
Senator Manchin Blocks Legislation Until Action is Taken on Miners Protection Act